Half a Loaf?
It’s July 1st, halfway through the year that was supposed to bring us back to prosperity. For the last five years, all we’ve been hearing from the media – and from our elected (and unelected) elite – is the word “recovery”.
But here’s a sampling of the headlines that we’ve seen in the international news media:
1. From Lloyd’s List:
(16 June 2011) – “Hopes of box recovery are fading fast”
(17 June 2011) – “Lines pull Asia-Europe loop as rates slide and losses mount”
(20 June 2011) – “US container imports hit by low consumer spending”
(6/6/2011) – “Container Trade Statistics: Asia-Europe April rates decline 10pc”
(6/23/2011) – “Colombo’s port volumes shrink as developed world demand slows”
(6/23/2011) – “Carriers remove Asia-Europe capacity amid falling demand, spot rates”
3. From Exim India:
(6/20/2011) – “Subdued second half seen for Asian container shipping”
4. From OpEdNews:
(June 9, 2011) – “Global Economic Crisis Deepening”
5. From Bloomberg:
(6/29/2011) – “Technology Leaders Don’t See U.S. Recovery Until 2013, KPMG Says”
(6/29/2011) – “Financial losses continue in second quarter, as uncertainty surrounds the peak season”
7. From the writer of these commentaries:
(July 1st, 2011) – “If we fail to revitalize our shipyards this year, the United States is toast!”