It’s patently obvious …

The DP World controversy is taking up everyone’s time these days. Trudy Rubin of the Philadelphia Inquirer sized up this concern for national security by asking sarcastically, “So how many of you were port experts before the Dubai port story exploded?” Not many, she went on to state. And by the looks of the stories and opinions appearing in newspapers across the country, they’re still not.

If these vocal politicians and newsfolks are really concerned about container security, they must be made to realize that an actual threat could only be thwarted successfully somewhere offshore. A bomb-laden container landed in a U.S. port terminal is not a very pleasant thought, and the hundreds of millions being spent for port detection systems is an enormous waste of good tax dollars.

In our Vol. IV, Art. 16 commentary (in mid-August of 2005) we wrote … “Here’s a pleasant surprise. On the left hand side of the pages in this website is a ‘Chronology’ button. Click on that button and you’ll see a rundown of our patent activity beginning on July 10, 1989. What we’ve been discussing so far, and what this website has been describing, is the land-based application of our patented warehousing system. From July 11, 1997 on, however, the Chronology provides a rundown of our patent activity with respect to shipboard storage and retrieval systems. That’s right. We’ve designed and patented, in every country having shipbuilding capability, a method of retrieving any single container from aboard ship without offloading or even handling any other container. (Cf. U.S. Patent Numbers 5,860,783 and 6,077,019 for further details.) Just think of it. An RPM (Radiation Portal Monitor) aboard our patented container ship would scan every container while the ship is underway and long before it arrives in port. The entire procedure would take less than a week, and suspect cargo would be deep-sixed without a moment’s hesitation. Would this be a deterrent, you wonder? Would you consider being a stowaway under those circumstances?”

And even before that, in our Vol. II, Art.19 commentary (in mid-February of 2005) we wrote …
“Although this website is dedicated to terminal operations, if ultimate security is ever required, it can be obtained by means of our shipboard storage and retrieval system. Our ‘Chronology’ page makes reference to U.S. patent Number 5,860,783, Granted on Jan. 19, 1999, and Entitled: CARGO CONTAINER STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM AND METHOD INCLUDING ON DECK CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY. This shipboard system makes it possible to retrieve, or store, any single container, regardless of its location aboard the vessel, without handling any other container. As an added advantage, the system allows for the scanning/inspection of every container while the vessel is en route to our shores. The procedure can be completed in one week’s time, and prior to arrival at our ports every safe container will be granted clearance, and any suspect containers may very well be jettisoned. The threat to ‘deepsix’ offenders will be enough to discourage terrorists and any others who would wish to gain illegal access into our country.”

Flip back, if you will, to our previous commentary, “Paying through the nose …” Isn’t it about time we began to think logically? Isn’t it about time we spent our money on the most cost-effective and guaranteed method of countering the threat of terrorism … offshore? And reviving our shipbuilding industry … onshore? And creating a few million employment opportunities … onshore?