” … it’s something I lose sleep over.”

In Vol. II, Art. 5, “A Clear Majority”, we included a quote from Tony Scioscia, President of APM Terminals in North America. Back then he said:

“The long-term picture projects world trade to double in volume by 2020 and in some markets such as Los Angeles and Long Beach, volume could easily triple. To handle this growth, we must lead changes in the national transportation infrastructure, the productivity level of waterfront labor and cargo-handling capabilities at our container terminals. New efficiencies, stronger teamwork and innovative approaches are needed industrywide … Strong cargo volume will mean more jobs for waterfront labor, and the need for a higher level of productivity. Container terminals need higher productivity, achieved through the use of new technology, processes and equipment.”

Those were his words shortly after the West Coast crunch late in 2004. In a recent interview his thoughtful and hopeful observations show an even greater concern:

Mr. Scioscia — “The vision of the enormous volumes building over the next five to 15 years and running up against the infrastructure limitations in the ports, roads, highways, railroads and trucking capacity keeps me up at night. When I see these crushing volumes coming at us, I worry about how the industry is going to deal with them. As the pressure mounts, I’m sure industry, the country, and local communities will respond, but it’s something I lose sleep over …”

• [Our patented system relieves this mounting pressure when retrofitted in existing terminals. Our in-house delivery system will be installed in freed-up acreage and will eliminate the crush created by drivers in today’s uncontrolled and unscheduled delivery operations.]

Mr. Scioscia — “The average dwell time is well over seven days in some of our major facilities … Shippers love to use terminals for storage, but the industry has got to change the way it does business. We’re going to start running out of capacity down the road …”

• [Our patented system eliminates dwell time because our in-house delivery system programs the delivery of each container well in advance of its arrival.]

Mr. Scioscia — “PierPass is an excellent model of how to spread out the load in Southern California … but we haven’t really seen the need to do it anywhere else.”

• [Our patented system and in-house delivery system will eliminate the need for all stop-gap measures, such as the PierPass program.]

Mr. Scioscia — “The industry has recognized that we have to have newer technologies to increase efficiencies …”

• [Our patented system is the newer technology that will increase efficiencies.]