Keystone Kops
Here’s another reason why terrorist threats should be dealt with ‘way, ‘way offshore, and by those who know the ropes. From the NEW YORK TIMES on April 4, 2006 (By Eric Lipton) –
“WASHINGTON, April 3 – Potentially disastrous confusion could arise during a terrorist attack on a cruise ship or ferry because of a power struggle between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Coast Guard over who would be in charge, a report released Monday by the Department of Justice inspector general warned. After the 2001 attacks, both organizations created or expanded armed teams that have the ability to board a moving ship or ferry, using a small boat or helicopter.
“‘The F.B.I. and the Coast Guard both want the ability to respond to terrorist threats in the maritime area,’ the report says. ‘Unless such differences over roles and authorities are resolved, the response to a maritime incident could be confused and potentially dangerous.’…
“The inspector general’s report says the rivalry between the F.B.I. and Coast Guard teams is so great that during a training exercise last year in Connecticut, which featured a mock terrorist strike on a ferry, the F.B.I. repeatedly blocked the Coast Guard’s efforts, saying the F.B.I. was the lead federal agency.
“In response, the report says, the Coast Guard ‘changed the scenario to circumvent the F.B.I.’s lead federal agency role’.
“The government tried to clarify the roles through an October 2005 document called the Maritime Operational Threat Response. It says the Department of Homeland Security and its agencies, including the Coast Guard, take the lead ‘for the interdiction of maritime threats in waters where the D.H.S. normally operates,’ American ports and coastal waters.
“The document says the role of the Justice Department and the F.B.I. is to search for clues to prevent maritime terrorism and, if there is an attack, to investigate and prosecute.
“But the new report says the 2005 document has ‘not eliminated the potential for conflict and confusion in the event of a terrorist incident at a seaport’.
“Spokesmen for the Coast Guard and the F.B.I. said their agencies were committed to resolving the disagreement. ‘There is no room for failure’ said Richard J. Kalko, and F.B.I. special agent. ‘We will resolve this.’
“But one Homeland Security official, who was granted anonymity because open discussion of the conflict was not allowed, said the new report might sharpen the disagreement. ‘It was written to bolster the F.B.I. argument that they should remain in charge,’ the official said.”
[We have met the enemy, and they is us! – Pogo]