Looking for Answers
All the headlines are about the most recent massacre of innocent Americans at Sandy Hook – and now we’re all “looking for answers”. Well, we don’t have to look very far. Dennis Loo, Sociology Professor at Cal Poly Pomona, has posted this brief comment on OpEdNews on Saturday.
“Sandy Hook Massacre: The NRA Isn’t The Main Problem”
“As much as I despise the NRA,” he begins, “they aren’t the main issue. Those who assert their rights to their precious g**d*** guns will continue to do so in perpetuity, no matter how many tragic massacres occur. They are an easy and deserving target, but they aren’t chiefly responsible for these massacres.
“The main problem here is that we live in a society in which from the highest office in the land (i.e., the White House) and from the most prominent pulpits of the churches, temples, and media outlets, our authorities and leaders practice, celebrate, and justify massacres, assassinations, torture and the cult of the military.
“There is a reason why Adam Lanza showed up to do his executions wearing military garb and using weaponry favored by U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. The school principal who let Lanza in the door to carry out his killings apparently didn’t blink an eye when she saw Lanza wearing this uniform. Military recruiters and military culture have so thoroughly permeated American society that it didn’t give her pause to let this cold-blooded killer in the door. And there is a reason why this computer nerd who normally went around wearing a pocket pen protector and buttoned down shirts chose to come to his death dealing in a uniform.
“Adam Lanza was acting out what he sees being done around him and lauded as heroic and necessary every day: this is what the Commander-in-Chief does when he orders drones to murder children and adults abroad, this is what Staff Sgt. Robert Bales did when he (and probably other U.S. soldiers) murdered in cold blood thirty eight Afghanis in their homes in the pre-dawn hours, this is what video games which celebrate warfare do, this is what the U.S. military teaches its recruits when it gleefully trains them to open fire and dismember people with their high tech weapons, and what Zero Dark Thirty reportedly does when early in the film it shows water boarding and falsely links torture to the finding of Bin Laden.
“Obama’s press spokesman says now is not the time to discuss gun control while his boss sheds tears that he undoubtedly does not do while ordering the deaths of women, children and men abroad. There may or may not be some cosmetic changes to gun laws now, but what is certain is that the massacres will continue unless and until the governing ethic of violence in the name of national security and national pride are overthrown.” –
Nope, we don’t have to look very far. Jay Janson reminded us on Saturday that:
“Chickens Always Come Home – Armed Americans Have killed Millions of Children Abroad”
“Another school shooting massacre. This time in Connecticut. Twenty, as President Obama reported, ‘between the ages of five and ten.’
“Of course everyone is shocked and saddened. But why is it not expected that occasionally an armed America will turn on its own? Wikipedia lists 54 massacres by Americans in the US since 1950. Violence and gun play is in the air in the United States of America. It’s on TV and in movies all the time, whether real or fictional. The world knows children in the US are brought up on violence and expected to go overseas to ‘protect American freedom’ in wars ordered by America’s presidents and commanders-in-chief. It’s kind of a catchy thing – ‘Like father like son!’
“America’s pentagon-fed war-promoting prime time TV anchors are showing emotion, concern and compassion, as will all the organized clergy that have been blessing America’s innumerable ‘Just Wars.’ The politicians fronting for corporatist governance will be talking about gun control for weeks to come – once again.
“This writer and all his anti-imperialist wars colleagues might appropriately suggest or plead that every parent in the United States be assigned the following homework:
– Watch Michael Moore’s ‘Bowling at Columbine’ once again.
– Search the Internet for statistics on how many schoolchildren Armed Americans killed in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, The Dominican Republic, Panama, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, etc., – how many schools were bombed, how many children were killed while at home. Weaponized Americans have been collaterally killing innocent people overseas in poor countries for the past sixty-four years.
– Meditate on how all Americans surely agree with President Obama that ‘Our hearts are broken,’ and try to realize that millions of hearts were broken in the same way in the above mentioned countries, by Americans firing upon their countrymen designated as ‘bad guys.’
– Never forget ‘They had their entire lives ahead of them,’ as noted correctly by President Obama. And in humility consider that those children that perished for having fallen in the way of Armed Americans invading their beloved nations, also, ‘had their entire lives ahead of them.’
– Do try to get your elected officials to make some effective gun control laws, but reflect upon the fact that every citizen in Cuba has been armed for decades, in expectation of another US invasion, but Cubans are not using their weapons upon themselves.
– Tell all your friends to call for prosecution of US war crimes against humanity, as we prosecuted Germans at Nuremberg.
“I mean if Americans focus on their love for children, everyone’s children and not just their own, they can end violence at home as well as the violence America brings overseas in the name of freedom for ‘predatory investments.’
“And the way to do this is for Americans to prosecute its crimes against humanity and let the indictments fall where they may. What else but prosecution and the threat of imprisonment could possibly serve as a brake on future wars for profit, and give Americans the chance they and their children deserve to end its nation’s culture of violence, and free the world of it as well?” –
This latest incident at Newtown, and the half-dozen other nationally reported instances of mass killings of children by children, have become an almost everyday occurrence in America. Despite this, the degree of disassociation that has been displayed by parents, educators, and policymakers regarding this national crisis, is a national scandal. Fortunately, there are a few sensible people who see clearly through the fog of Hollywood propaganda, and who have pinpointed the actual cause and scale of this American tragedy. One of the most valuable books to appear on what is being done to America’s children is “Stop Teaching Our Kids To Kill,” by Lt. Col. David Grossman and Gloria DeGaetano.
According to them there have been over 5,000 studies showing a causal relationship between TV, the movies and the media, and America’s culture of violence. They published their book, by the way, back in 1999, and they set out to provide a concise profile of how children are transformed into killers, oblivious to the real-world consequences of their actions. The book is a powerful call to responsible Americans to wake up and realize that a $ 10 billion-a-year industry has been created in America, that is using the most mind-deadening behavior-modification techniques, to turn our nation’s youth into unnatural-born killers.
The authors provide a systematic summary of the evidence that the burgeoning youth violence and brutality is the direct consequence of exposing our children to a daily dose of violence on television, in the movies, and in the video arcades. There is a new epidemic sweeping the country which Grossman and DeGaetano call “AVIDS” – Acquired Violence Immune System Deficiency Syndrome.” This is no cute play on words. The authors document that exposing children to television, movie and video violence during the formative years of brain development, can cause permanent damage.
The book shows that, since no later than the 1970s, the medical profession has repeatedly and publicly warned that rampant exposure to media violence destroys cognitive capabilities, desensitizes children to the consequences of their own violent actions, and produces automatic stimulus-response patterns of behavior, often leading to tragic results.
The message could not be more straightforward. The authors of the TV and movie violence, and the designers and peddlers of the violent video games, are brainwashing America’s youth into a succession of generations of potential “Manchurian children,” programmed to kill, and stripped of any of the cognitive/moral precepts that enable mature adults to distinguish between right and wrong. It were as if a multi-billion dollar business existed in America today, dedicated to stripping our youth of the idea that man is created in the image of God.
A few weeks ago at the “Electronic Entertainment Exhibition” in Los Angeles, the US Army introduced new video games targeted at 13-year-olds and upwards, teaching children how to kill – and our Commander-in-Chief can only weep crocodile tears at Sandy Hook. Drones, anyone?