“Oh, THAT $ 787 billion …”

Last week we learned that the combined worth of the 100 richest Americans amounts to a very impressive $ 775 billion. Right. $ 775,000,000,000. That’s a lot of money.

Now you can see the significance of February’s even more impressive $ 787,000,000,000 “stimulus” package that U.S. taxpayers have been ordered to pay to … pay to …

So where did that even more impressive amount of $ 787,000,000,000 go, anyway? We’ll never know. Congress won’t allow us to find out. And we won’t even challenge them on the issue.

President Obama, however, is doing his utmost to convince us sheeple that the $ 787,000,000,000 “stimulus” package was spent wisely. He would have us believe that the money was used to create 640,000 jobs. Spending close to $ 1,200,000 to create each one of those 640,000 jobs, though, isn’t exactly the way to spend money “wisely”. But we won’t attempt to challenge the president, either.

Some math. 640,000 new jobs created over, let’s say, the last ten months comes to about 64,000 new jobs per month … a stretch of time that saw more than 500,000 workers per week being laid off. Not so very impressive.

That $ 787,000,000,000 “stimulus” giveaway – and that’s what it was, a giveaway – helped none of the nation’s distressed, one million of whom will lose their unemployment benefits after December 31st. The ones who got the “help” were the ones who didn’t need it – the elite in the too-big-to-fail Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo.

According to a survey conducted by New York-based Options Group, using data supplied by the New York Stock Exchange, those favored establishments have set aside some $ 112,000,000,000 in compensation for their employees this year, and while the average industry in the U.S. is in a failing state, the “professionals” on Wall Street will have one of their best years in a long time.

How much and what kind of consumable goods are produced on Wall Street? None. How many productive jobs are created on Wall Street? None. And yet a giveaway of more than a trillion and a half dollars ($ 1,500,000,000,000) in two “stimulus” packages has been directed to professionals in the nation’s financial system. Still no challenge is heard from U.S. taxpayers.

A phony challenge has been issued by the White House, however. “We invite anyone with good ideas, whether they agree with us or not, to be a part of the productive effort toward an economic solution,” a spokeswoman stated last week. That’s a lot of baloney. We’ve submitted our “ideas” a number of times but we’re being ignored. We could have put 30 to 40 million people to work in revitalized U.S. shipyards with just a fraction of the “stimulus” money. We have Title XI. We have the Jones Act. We have dozens of underutilized and shuttered shipyards, and as the only country allowed to build the patented container ships we’ve been describing we could have regained our dominance in international commerce. But sheeple, apparently, aren’t allowed to be dominant.