Pieces of Work

On November 16th, the Washington Post reported:

“President Obama plans to bring together CEOs, small business owners and financial experts to sound out ideas for continuing to expand the economy and create jobs.”

Speaking at the White House before taking off for his trip to Asia, the president said, “We are open to any demonstrably good idea to supplement the steps we’ve already taken to put America back to work.” The government, he said, has “an obligation to consider every additional responsible step we can” to get people back to work.

The December jobs “forum” will bring in public and private sector experts to talk about how to get the job-creation engine running again, the president said. He also said that he plans to talk about a strategy for growth with leaders in Asia because economic prosperity here in the U.S. is tied to economies around the world.

“It’s a strategy,” he said, “in which Asian and Pacific markets are open to our exports. Prosperity around the world is no longer dependent on American consumption and borrowing, but rather more on American innovation and products.”

The president’s advisors are lying to him. They prepare this rubbish for him and he dutifully presents it to the ignorant American voters. The people swallow it hook, line and sinker … just like Will Rogers always said … and not a one of them will ask “how” or “why”.

• Those CEOs, “small” business owners and financial experts are the very ones who’ve been laying off workers by the millions, and we’re supposed to believe that someone in that group knows how to create jobs? Well, yes, we’re supposed to believe it, and we do … because the president said so. And besides … the newspapers also said so.

• “We are open to any demonstrably good idea …” The government, the president said, has “an obligation to consider every additional responsible step we can” to get people back to work. Sounds reasonable. But it’s not the truth. We’ve sent hundreds of faxes and e-mails to Washington officials since the onset of our “recession”, but we’ve received not a single acknowledgment … not one.

• And “Asian and Pacific markets are open to our exports”? He really can’t expect us to believe that, can he? Our whole problem stems from the fact that Asians have taken our jobs because they can manufacture anything we can, and for much less cost. Why, then, should they pay more money to us for something they can produce more reasonably?

All this time-consuming double-talk has just one purpose. It buys time. They don’t have a clue about how to create jobs, and they’re determined not to accept advice from outsiders.